Introduction to prime number list:
List of prime numbers is a number only factors are itself 1.For example, 13 is a prime numbers, since it only factors are 1 and 13 this is the beginning list of the prime numbers as show below.
Prime number list
Here 2 is only the even prime number.The list of all the prime numbers goes on without stopping
Problem 1:
Identify each of the numbers below as either a prime numbers or a composite number. For other that are composite, give two divisor other than the number itself or 1
1. 43
2. 12
This will also help us on permutations and combinations
a. Here 43 is a prime numbers because the only number that divide it without a remainder are 43 and 1.
b.12 is a composite number, because it can be written as 12 = 4*3 which means that 4 and 3 are divisor of 12